Survival and Clinicopathological Features of Cervical Carcinoma Patients with Radiation Therapy


  • Yahya Irwanto Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Aliesya Patricia Wulandari Master of Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine, University Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Ineke Permatasari Master of Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine, University Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Ainun Ganisia Master of Midwifery, Faculty of Medicine, University Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Lilik Zuhriyah Department of Public Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, University Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • I Wayan Agung Indrawan Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Sutrisno . Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University Brawijaya, Indonesia



Survival rate, cervical carcinoma, radiation therapy


Cervical cancer has a high incidence with a low survival rate. The clinicopathological profile and risk factors cause this. Most cervical cancer sufferers are late in realizing this, contributing to the severity suffered. Radiation has a very important role because it is a therapy that can be done in cervical cancer patients who have experienced an advanced level of severity. This study aims to determine the survival and influence of the clinicopathological and risk factors of radiation patients as a consideration in selecting effective therapy to increase the survival rate of cervical cancer patients. The benefit of this research is to help evaluate cervical cancer management procedures with radiation therapy applied in many hospitals in Indonesia to increase the success of therapy for cervical cancer. An analytical observational study with a retrospective cohort type using medical record data with samples of all patients diagnosed with cervical cancer who received radiation therapy from January to December 2017. Samples in this study were 111 patients. This study revealed that the five-year survival rate of cervical cancer patients was only 53.1%. There was an influence on the clinicopathological stage (p<0.000), histopathology (p<0.000), lymph node status (p<0.000), degree of differentiation (p<0.001), and risk factors for age (p<0.038), parity (p<0.001), education (0.022), marital status (0.001), contraceptive use (p<0.000), and BMI (p<0.000) which resulted in a log-rank p-value <0.05, so it was concluded that there was an effect between these variables on cervical carcinoma survival rate. Multivariate, it was found that radiation, histopathology, lymph node status, contraception, and BMI had a significant effect (p<0.005) on the survival rate of cervical cancer patients. The results of this study indicate that the survival rate of cervical cancer patients is still low, and there is a clinicopathological and risk factors that influence the survival rate of cervical cancer patients.


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How to Cite

Irwanto, Y., Wulandari, A. P., Permatasari, I., Ganisia, A., Zuhriyah, L., Indrawan, I. W. A., & ., S. (2022). Survival and Clinicopathological Features of Cervical Carcinoma Patients with Radiation Therapy. Medical Laboratory Technology Journal, 8(1), 84–101.




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